
United Women in Faith

United Women In Faith (previously UMW) is an organization of approximately one million members whose purpose is to foster spiritual growth, develop leaders and advocate for justice. Members raise nearly $25 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United State and in more than 100 countries around the world.

Quarterly Meetings

Quarterly, United Women in Faith (UWF) holds a meeting
and social time. It usually begins at 11:30 a.m., with lunch and a program.
Check the church calendar for details! We welcome all women.
Contact the church office if you would like more information.

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith has a deep history and a strong passion for mission projects. As part of this organization, Bartlesville First Church’s United Methodist Women come together to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative suppo

UWF celebrates an inclusive membership and welcomes all women who want to become members. Being a member of The United Methodist Church is not required nor is there any minimum age requirement. Out of a commitment for mission locally and globally with women, children and youth, UMF choose to participate in meetings, prayer, financial giving, study, action and service.

UWF members are very active in both local and national mission projects.

Bartlesville First Church UWF volunteer time and supply special needed items toward the support of the vital services of Concern. Concern is a international humanitarian organization focused on tackling poverty and suffering in the world’s poorest countries.

Cookson Hills offers Christ-centered residential care, education, and therapeutic services for children ages 5-17. UWF share clothing, linens, and money with those who are dependent upon the Oklahoma Cookson Hills Mission.

In 1964 a group of UWF developed a group called MUTUAL meaning Methodists United To Using Applied Love. The group had a dream of making difference in the lives of girls and women who lived in West Bartlesville by starting an after-school club for girls.

2nd Thursday at 9:30 AM in the Parlor