Beyond Bartlesville

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"

- Matthew 28:19

Across the Nation

Oklahomans know the power of nature. We've seen weather-related disasters with our own eyes. Bartlesville First United Methodist Church stands ready to help communities across the nation recover from natural disasters. Our church sends teams to wherever help is needed. We prepare and donate supplies that are used worldwide. 

 Bartlesville First United Methodist Church helps provide a Christian education to children through the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso, Texas, and the McCurdy School in Espanola, New Mexico. Church members are involved in northeast Oklahoma’s Cookson Hills Center, providing financial support and participating in workdays at the mission. 

 We affirm our belief in redemption through our commitment to the Oklahoma Conference’s Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries, which provides prisoners with opportunities for worship and counseling to their families.

Around the World

The footprints of Bartlesville First United Methodist Church can be found as far away as Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 

Since 1994, we’ve sent teams to Estonia, helping turn a factory in Ahja into a mission center and assisting with community outreach activities. A team has been to Cambodia to aid the missionaries First United supports in the region. 

We spread the Gospel with seminary scholarships in Estonia and Cambodia. In Africa, we support both a local hospital in Maua, Kenya and the Imagine No Malaria program. 

In South America, our teams have helped to build houses in Mexico and traveled to Bolivia.

Through the General Board of Global Missions, including the United Methodist Committee On Relief, Bartlesville First United helps people throughout the world.

United for Good

At Bartlesville First United Methodist Church, we're united for good — offering people a hand in Bartlesville and around the world.